Since organisms arose, the waxing and waning of their food resources has
been a constant in nature. When food is scarce, this exerts compulsory
pressure on all life forms to respond – or risk extinction. And so it is that
through time, all species that survived have developed adaptive
mechanisms during fasting that confer a survival advantage. When food is
plentiful, the cells grow. When food is scarce, the cells stop growing and
enter into a protective and recycling mode that conserves energy and
optimizes cellular functions.

One key mechanism triggered by fasting is called autophagy. In fact, the discovery
and description of autophagy mechanisms was so monumental to understanding cellular
health that the discoverer won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. As it turns out,
the mechanisms of autophagy and other survival processes are unsurprisingly similar in all species,
down to their molecular pathways. From simple organisms such as yeast and fruit flies, to more complex
organisms such as mice, other mammals, and humans, these pathways are conserved.

Specifically, during fasting, the body acts to conserve energy by minimizing any growth activities. This is achieved by shutting down the food signal sensors such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), the target of rapamycin (TOR), and protein kinase A (PKA). In scientific terms, this process is called “down-regulation of nutrient sensing pathways.” Fasting-induced reductions in IGF-1, TOR, and PKA signaling result in increased cellular maintenance and protection, including increased activation of stress resistance, and removal and replacement of old, worn out cellular parts. So, these fasting responses promote resilience.

Here lies one of nature’s greatest untold stories and L-Nutra’s vision. By continuing research into how fasting impacts us at the cellular level, and identifying the pathways through which fasting benefits our bodies, we can leverage our research to develop different products to promote health and longevity. Why not just fast? Despite the potential benefits, fasting is hard to do. For many, it’s not safe to do. So, our nutritechnology is focused on making fasting safer, effective, easier, and more practical while targeting specific outcomes. Our Fasting Mimicking Technology Platform encompasses the basic principles we’ve uncovered and continue to research about fasting, and allows us to develop different formulations targeted to different solutions. In general health and wellness, we have used it to develop and continuously improve the Fasting Mimicking Diet and related products. We’re also leveraging it to define and develop a novel class of fasting mimicking drugs to potentially prevent or treat a number of lifestyle-related chronic illnesses.

Using the power of autophagy and other survival mechanisms invoked by fasting while reducing the stress and improving safety is our goal. Developing specific nutritechnology products targeted for specific uses – that’s the power of the Fasting Mimicking Technology Platform.



Since the stress of fasting and fasting-mimicking affect nearly every cell in an organism, emerging evidence points to the potential of a multitude of beneficial effects on cells and organ systems.




L-Nutra is constantly entering into scientific partnerships to develop and test the next generation applications of our Fasting Mimicking Technology. To date, we have more than 30 completed or ongoing research collaborations around the globe.*

University of Southern California
Policlinico San Martino Genova
University of Genova, Italy
Policlinico Paolo Giaccone Palermo
University of Verona
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Leiden University
University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Indiana University
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milano
Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands
University Hospital, “Policlinico Paolo Giaccone” of Palermo, Italy
Galway Clinic and National University of Galway (NUIG), Ireland
University of Miami
Stanford University School of Medicine
Ospedale Policlinico S. Martino, Genova, Italy

*These institutions do not directly or indirectly endorse L-Nutra products or services

“Our nutrition platform technology exploits evolution and three billion years of research & development to promote rejuvenation and cures from within. It combines our history and tradition with state-of-the-art science to guide the human body to repair, reprogram, and regenerate itself to keep people young and healthy.”

– Dr. Valter Longo, Founder of L-Nutra.

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